~*~InGLis diLin oyrenek..:-)
MeLodiM_ (2012-08-21 07:47)Deyerli userlerimiz,bu movzuda ingilis dilinde sozler yazacagin ve novbeti userde yuxaridaki sozun sonuncu herifine uygun ingilis dilinde soz yazacaq,ve belece ing.dilinin sozlerin tekrarlamiw olacayiq
Perhaps, the most difficult thing is to give the name to feelings . . .
Perhaps, the most difficult thing is to give the name to feelings . . .
Perhaps, the most difficult thing is to give the name to feelings . . .
Y?z defe zirveye baxinca, bir defe ZIRVEDEN BAX! )))
Perhaps, the most difficult thing is to give the name to feelings . . .
Y?z defe zirveye baxinca, bir defe ZIRVEDEN BAX! )))