~*~MeN. . . .bes SeN?!)
MeLodiM_ (2012-09-12 09:57)Yeni bir oyunla userleri foruma devet edirem
?zune uygun bir xususiyyet yaz,novbeti usereden de bunu sorush ve ardicilliqla davam..!
~Men esebiyem
!bes sen?~
Perhaps, the most difficult thing is to give the name to feelings . . .
Y?z defe zirveye baxinca, bir defe ZIRVEDEN BAX! )))
Jaklina (2012-09-12 11:45)kinli deyilem, mene edilen pislikler yadimda qalsa da, nadir hallarda intikam aliram. . .
Im ugly
, and you ?
Cavab | Sitat Perhaps, the most difficult thing is to give the name to feelings . . .
Jaklina (2012-09-12 12:57)nc o qeder de optimist deyilem
. .
Men iyneden qorxuram
, bes sen ?
Cavab | Sitat Perhaps, the most difficult thing is to give the name to feelings . . .
Perhaps, the most difficult thing is to give the name to feelings . . .
MeLodiM_ (2012-09-12 14:02)Tabiki sevirem
Men filme baxmagi xowluyuram!bes sen?
Cavab | Sitat Offline...
Perhaps, the most difficult thing is to give the name to feelings . . .