Neyi deyiwerdin?
PIANOCU (2012-10-23 14:48)Yuxaridaki userin hansi xasiyyetin deyiwerdin?

Ve niye?
Perhaps, the most difficult thing is to give the name to feelings . . .
PIANOCU (2012-10-23 17:58)Men "YEKE YEKE DANIWMIRAM"

Olanin deyirem. Yuxaridaki userin "?ZUNDEN RAZILIGINI" deyiwerdim.
Cavab | Sitat Y?z defe zirveye baxinca, bir defe ZIRVEDEN BAX! )))
Jaklina (2012-10-23 18:38)Mene "Ozunden razi" deyen user yeqin ki, ozunden raziligin ne oldugunu bilmir.
Saclarin duzlewdirerdim yuxaridaki userin.
Cavab | Sitat Perhaps, the most difficult thing is to give the name to feelings . . .
PIANOCU (2012-10-23 18:42)Mence buna ehtiyac yoxdu. Dalgali daha guzeldir.

ustdeki userin imicin deyiwerdim.
Cavab | Sitat Y?z defe zirveye baxinca, bir defe ZIRVEDEN BAX! )))
Jaklina (2012-10-23 21:42)I dont need a variability
PIANOCU, bizden bawqa
foruma fikir yazan yoxdu. Gozleyek kimlerse de yazsin, sonra fikir bildirem ))
Cavab | Sitat Perhaps, the most difficult thing is to give the name to feelings . . .
ay-ka (2012-10-25 15:45)isterdim ki uzuyola olmagimi tergizhm hamyla piss olum
Cavab | Sitat Jaklina (2012-10-25 16:52)ay-ka, sohbet sizden getmir e, sohbet sizden evvelki userden gedir. Deyesen, sehv bawa duwmusuz movzunu.
Cavab | Sitat Perhaps, the most difficult thing is to give the name to feelings . . .
RoYaLaRi ReaLLaSdiRmaGiN eN YaXsI YoLu OyaNmaQdiR...
Perhaps, the most difficult thing is to give the name to feelings . . .
RoYaLaRi ReaLLaSdiRmaGiN eN YaXsI YoLu OyaNmaQdiR...