=*?ir Negmesin sen*=
MeLodiM_ (2013-04-23 12:55)Yeni M?vzuya Xosh Geldiz UserLer!
?ir-?irinizi azcca-macca da olsa tanIyIrsIz her halda
YuxarIdakI usere onu tanIdIgIn qeder,texmini ona aid etdiyin ?ir mahnInI hesr edin.. )
M?vzu sahi?ine twkLer
Jaklina (2013-04-23 12:59)Ne bilim)) Belke de Gulcin ara-ara

Amma cox uygun olmadi e deyesen

Cavab | Sitat Perhaps, the most difficult thing is to give the name to feelings . . .
Y?z defe zirveye baxinca, bir defe ZIRVEDEN BAX! )))
Jaklina (2013-04-23 20:30)PIANOCU
Rihanna-take a bow. Mence tamdi.

Her sey gorunduyu kimi olsaydi ola bilerdi Take a bow, amma her sey gorunduyu kimi deyil

))... O ki qaldi movzuya She and her darkness.
Cavab Perhaps, the most difficult thing is to give the name to feelings . . .
MeLodiM_ (2013-04-24 20:43)Serta? erener_AsLa ))
"Sende ?enim ki?i seversen,hep yanImda olmaq istersen..."
Texmini olaraq

Cavab | Sitat Offline...
PIANOCU (2013-04-25 07:00)Mense 1 usere bu mahnini hesr ederdim Adele-skafall. En esas 3 setirin:
you can make my number , you can take my name, but you'll never have my heart.
Cavab | Sitat Y?z defe zirveye baxinca, bir defe ZIRVEDEN BAX! )))
Perhaps, the most difficult thing is to give the name to feelings . . .
Islamdan yuksek seref yoxdur...! Hezret Eli (e)
Jaklina (2013-07-15 22:33)BrOkEn_HeArT
Mu smaylik hansi mahnini ifade edir acaba )))
Cavab Perhaps, the most difficult thing is to give the name to feelings . . .
Islamdan yuksek seref yoxdur...! Hezret Eli (e)
MONIKA (2013-07-25 16:21)Ay ana aya ana dostum evlenir
Qonwudan bir cicek derir ))
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