Ameli_ (2012-08-11 15:39)Var oz esl yashimiz, var biyoloji yashimiz (bedenin yashi) ve Ruhumuzun! Ruhen ozunuzu hansi yashda hiss edirsiniz?
Perhaps, the most difficult thing is to give the name to feelings . . .
Y?z defe zirveye baxinca, bir defe ZIRVEDEN BAX! )))
Jaklina (2012-08-11 18:03)PIANOCU, mamam hemiwe deyir ki, senin ruhunun yawi sonsuzdur, yeni cox qocasan. Ama mence ele 45 besdi...
Cavab | Sitat Perhaps, the most difficult thing is to give the name to feelings . . .
PIANOCU (2012-08-11 20:12)Jaklina, mene qoca nene deyirler hemyawidlarim. Uje qocalmiwam.
Cavab | Sitat Y?z defe zirveye baxinca, bir defe ZIRVEDEN BAX! )))
Jaklina (2012-08-11 23:13)PIANOCU
Jaklina, mene qoca nene deyirler hemyawidlarim. Uje qocalmiwam.

Pianocu, day oz aramizdi mama mene "duwgun qari" deyir
Cavab Perhaps, the most difficult thing is to give the name to feelings . . .
Jeni (2012-08-12 02:50)Herden ?zumu bu 30yawda hiss eleyirem.
Cavab | Sitat Y?z defe zirveye baxinca, bir defe ZIRVEDEN BAX! )))
Y?z defe zirveye baxinca, bir defe ZIRVEDEN BAX! )))
Jaklina (2012-08-12 11:46)PIANOCU
Jaklina, heee. Vaxtsiz qojaldiq baji.

Ehhh bizi heyat qojaltdi..

Cavab Perhaps, the most difficult thing is to give the name to feelings . . .